Highlights of Brazil’s many festivals are listed below. See the regional chapters for details of these and many other events.
- Bom Jesus dos Navegantes Four-day festival starting on the second Sunday in January, Penedo, Alagoas.
- Festa de Santo Amaro January 23 to February 2, Santo Amaro, Bahia.
- Lavagem do Bonfim Second Thursday in January, Salvador, Bahia.
- Processao do Senhor Bom Jesus dos Navegantes January 1, Salvador, Bahia.
- Festa de lemanja February 2; Salvador, Bahia.
- Shrove Tuesday and Carnaval February or March depending on the Easter date; the famous Fat Tuesday celebration and the days preceding it. Nationwide.
- Semana Santa The week before Easter, in March or April; celebrations in Congonhas, Ouro Preto, Goias Velho.
- Cavalhada Held 50 days after Easter, Pirenopolis, Goias.
- Festa do Divino The first Sunday after Ascension Day, Alcantara, Maranhao.
- Festa do Divino Espirito Santo In May or June, 40 days after Easter, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro state.
- Micareta In April or early May, Feira de Santana, Bahia.
- Boi-Bumba Three days in late June, Parintins, Amazonas.
- Bumba Meu Boi From late June to the second week of August, Sao Luis, Maranhao. Festa de Sao Joao Held June 22 to 24, Cachoeira, Bahia.
- Festas Juninas Celebrated throughout June in Rio state and much of the rest of the country.
- Festival Foldorico do Amazonas Throughout June, Manaus, Amazonas.
- Fortal Last week of July, Fortaleza, Ceara.
- Festival de Danca Second half of July, Joinville, Santa Catarina.
- Regata de Jangadas Second half of July, Fortaleza, Ceara.
- Festa da NS de Boa Morte Held in mid-August, Cachoeira, Bahia.
- Festa de lemanja Held August 15, Fortaleza, Ceara.
- Foldore Nordestino In late August, Olinda, Pernambuco.
- Festa de NS de Nazare On September 7 and 8, Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro state.
- Festa de NS dos Remedios On September 8, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro state.
- Festa do Caire Second week of September, Alter do Chao, Parb.
- Jubileu do Senhor Bom Jesus do Matosinhos Takes place from September 7 to 14, Congonhas, Minas Gerais.
- Cirio de Nazare Starts the second Sunday in October, Belem, Para.
- NS do Rosario Second half of October in Cachoeira, Bahia and October 23 to 25 in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais.
- Oktoberfest The middle two weeks in October, Blumenau, Santa Catarina.
- Rio Jazz Festival Varying dates in October, Rio de Janeiro.
- Dia do Romeiro e Festa do Padre Cicero Held November 1 and 2, Juazeiro do Norte, Ceara.
- Maceio Fest Held in the 3rd week of November, Maceid, Alagoas.
- Carnatal First week of December, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte.
- Festa Santa Barbara Celebrated December 4 to 6, Salvador, Bahia.
- Reveillon and Festa de lemanja December 31, Rio de Janeiro.